Ostrich, Beate


Name of the practice/institution: Naturopathy practice Straussennest

Address: Am Grenzbuck 16 91732 Merkendorf

Phone: 09826/6596095

Email address: naturheilpraxis-straussennest@gmx.de

Therapeutic training:

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Integrative Baby Therapy

Basic training:

alternative practitioner, physiotherapist

Additionally applied treatment methods:

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Integrative baby therapy

Meaningful work with inner images


Bobath for children

Orofacial regulation therapy according to Castillo Morales

Target group: Babies and children with parents, teenagers and adults

Foreign languages: English

Professional associations: BDH (Association of German alternative practitioners)

Payment mode (recognition by health insurance companies etc.):


Billing according to GebüH (fee schedule for alternative practitioners)