Lang, Bernard
Name of the practice/institution: Practice for Osteopathy Bernhard Lang
Address: Karl-Lax-Strasse 11, 91443 Scheinfeld
Phone: 09162 988 922
Email address:
Therapeutic training:
Osteopathic therapy, integrative baby therapy, transformation therapy and coaching according to Robert Betz, energetic training
Basic training:
alternative practitioner, physiotherapist
Treatment methods:
Osteopathic therapy, integrative baby therapy, transformation therapy and coaching according to Robert Betz
Specialization: Osteopathy, Emotional Work, Being Conscious
Target group: parents with children, infants, children, teenagers, adults
Foreign languages: English
Professional association: see memberships
Professional associations: Bundesverband Osteopathie e.V. BVO e.V.
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteopathische Therapie DAGOT e.V.
Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker und Naturheilkundiger BDHN e.V.
Mode of payment (recognition by health insurance companies, etc.):
Subsidy from many statutory health insurance companies
Private and additional insured persons and persons entitled to subsidies via the settlement of accounts according to the fee schedule for alternative practitioners GebüH