Farina, Alessandra


Address: Via dei Santi 353, Adina (Frosinone) Italia

Phone: 0039 348 330 23 82

Email Address: ale70.farina@gmail. com

Therapeutic Training:

IBT-Bristol, UK, 2015- (Matthew Appleton); Birth from a Baby's perspective (Matthew Appleton); Soul loss: a pre and perinatal perspective (Matthew Appleton); The birth Journey (Matthew Appleton); Healing the Earth, Healing ourselves (Matthew Appleton); Il Processo Personale Prenatale die Nascita - Tossignano, 2 Mario 2014- (Matthew Appleton); Il Viaggio Della Nascita- Kushi Ling, Gennaio 2015- (Graham Kennedy).


Basic training:


Treatment methods:

Cranio-sacral therapy; Pediatric Cranio-sacral therapy; SER; Reflexology; Osteopathy; Fascia therapy; AIMI Infant Massage Instructor and therapist

Specialization: Babies and children

Target group: Babies, children, teenagers, pregnant women, adults

Foreign languages: English

Professional association: ALBO DELLA PROFESSIONE SANITARIA DI FISIOTERAPISTA, n476, ordine di Frosinone

Mode of payment (recognition by health insurance companies, etc.)